Drive up the private road to the gated entrance, from there you can see the largest ponds nestled up against a wooded backdrop. This loved property has been meticulously managed. The tree's protected year after year by walking and applying pheromone bubble capsules, from Synergy Semiochemical to keep the Doug Fir beetle away from the high value Doug Firs the tree houses are in. This has resulted in a healthy canopy and home for wildlife.
They say, "you want to buy water", and there is plenty of that here. Irrigation ditch with Water Rights, Ponds with Bass, and abundant Well(s). The Video below, taken during the Winter, shows the water ways and Ponds. At the height of summer the ponds do go down but are never dry. The well has also never gone dry.
The hillside has been cleared of brush several times, making a defensible space in the event of forest fires. The runoff ditch goes through the property and corral, behind the greenhouse and into the irrigation ditch. There are several spigots for access to water around the property, and at each tree house.
Pump from the irrigation ditch to irrigate the orchard, a Garden, the field for grass hay, or for another crop you might like to harvest. Or fill water storage for better management of the water throughout the property.
Check out this Great Video, by Lee Digital, taken during the Winter.
A Cherry Plum that grew way too high, is on the hillside between the house and the Calypso. Super yummy!
A variety of Pear and Apple Trees surround the house. All are mature and produce an abundance of fruit each year.